Central School Preservation, Inc. | 712-464-8639

211 S. Center Street - Lake City, Iowa

Lake City Archive

Historic Central School has a large archive of historic photos of Lake City. Here are a few:

The fountain (a memorial to Leona Stewart Odell, given by her mother in 1915), the second bandstand and the flag tower in the City Park. Picture was probably taken in the 1950's or thereabouts. In the background on the right is the Community Memorial Building built in 1920.

The Iowa Theatre on the west side of the city square which burned on New Years Day, 1958.

Illinois street looking south from Washington circa late 50s. The Carnegie Library before the steps were replaced on the left, the Emporium Block, Madden building and Citizens Bank Building on far right.

Main Street looking west from Illinois Street around 1900.

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