Core Measures won a contract from nine competitors to develop a talent management programme for a mid-eastern telecommunication regulatory authority. This involved completing employee satisfaction and performance management surveys and reports, overhauling the culture and creating values, core competencies and a behavioural and re-designing performance management and providing training, functional competency framework, conducting strategic planning sessions, developing a career development system, developing a selection manual and training for supervisors, completing leadership profiling (360 feedback) for over 20 managers and conducting hi potential psychometric assessment for 87 staff.
A well-known Dutch manufacturing company engaged Core Measures to develop a performance management system for its two sites in Thailand. The training was so successful that CM was given the job to duplicate the efforts in 9 other countries including China, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore. In each case, this meant travelling to each country at least twice. This was completed on schedule with exceptional high participant ratings (>4 on scale 1-5). (Data available).
A German multi- national asked Core Measures to complete an employee engagement survey for 200 staff. They were so happy with the reports generated they have now asked Core Measures to conduct the same survey in 5 locations, in three languages on-site and online.
The Government Investment Corporation of Singapore (GIC) selected Core Measures to help re-define some 12 key competencies for senior staff. Against strong competitions from the ‘major US consulting firms, we were appointed based on our expertise and added GIC onto our list of satisfied customer a month later.
A Singapore government agency with some 1,000 staff engaged CM to translate its core values into observable competencies. Our quality work, valued-added support and on-time delivery won us two additional projects to develop its behavioural and functional competencies and to design a new performance management system for this client. The initial 3-month project was therefore extended for a further 2 years. A further 18-month project was agreed to update the competency framework, develop a selection handbook and training, help develop and facilitate performance management development, create a career development system and provide facilitation skills training and HR team support.
Core Measures ran 15 performance appraisal workshops for 260 employees. The facilitator received course ratings as high as 4.5 (1-5 high) and support for participants as high as 4.7 (1-5 high). Participants felt that the course materials were well laid out, that the facilitator was very knowledgeable, clear and precise. Video clips brought out key learning points. The exercises were seen as very practical, organization specific and helped the learning process.